• ABC Analysis

  • Process analysis

  • Request determination for the differentiation of charges

  • Recovery time determination

  • Maintenance management

  • Cost accounting and controlling

    Kostenrechnung Hintergrund
  • Incentive wage (premium wage and piecework systems)

    Leistundslohn Hintergrund
  • Material Flow Design and Factory Planning

    Materialfluss Hintergrund
  • Timings

    Multimoment Hintergrund
  • Planned time determination

    Planzeit Hintergrund
  • Allowance time

    4 Mitarbeiter im Lager
  • Time recording

    Stopuhr in der Hand

Goal definition industrial engineering

Industrial engineering involves the design, planning and improvement of processes using methods of work, engineering and business management.

The aim is to achieve high productivity in the management, core and support processes of the company. Target states and standards are defined and  transparency is created in order to identify deviations and develop effective measures for improvement.

ABC analysis

The ABC analysis is a classical method to determine the essential parts of quantities, costs, processes and utilisation. If we want to approach a certain problem, we try to achieve the greatest possible success with little effort.

Process analysis

The process analysis is the analysis of a workflow, and the target-oriented presentation. Depending on the intended use and objective of the study, the workflow or process is described via its added value.

Request determination for the differentiation of charges

Hardly any other topic in the field of ergonomics is as decisive as this one. Requirement determination serves as the basis for wage differentiation and occupational safety and health protection.

Recovery time determination

In many cases, we find agreements about recovery times in companies. These often originated in the 60/70s, where the focus was not yet primarily on the design of ergonomic workplaces. Therefore these surcharges were appropriate for their time. Today, however, due to the many internal and external improvement processes, the work processes are designed in such a way that recovery times are only justified occasionally.

Maintenance management

Many companies today understand TPM as a manual for cleaning and greasing machines. But if you understand the contents of TPM, you will see that it is much more than that. TPM is a comprehensive management system to increase the competitiveness of your company.

Cost accounting and controlling

Cost accounting and controlling are the essential navigation tools for controlling a company. Only those who know the costs of their processes can achieve their targeted business success. Efficient controlling enables fast and reliable decision-making.

Incentive wage (premium wage and piecework systems)

More work – more money! This principle always works if all parameters are taken into account and all participants adhere to the rules. Incentive wage is a complex topic, it offers many risks and opportunities, and a lot of friction points but, above all, an improvement of the situation for those who are prepared to increase their performance.

Material Flow Design and Factory Planning

The right goods at the right time in the right quantity and quality at optimum costs – this is the result of successful material flow design.

Time study

In comparison to time recording, time studies are not a method for measuring activities but a method for determining time proportions in percentages by determining frequencies. In principle, this is a random sampling procedure, but it allows statistically verified statements about the temporal structure of the analysed processes.

Planned time determination

Planned times are  used when a mathematical derivation of fair values is possible and the effort required to determine data on time recordings is not economically justifiable.


A good material flow design together with professional factory planning leads to a smooth workflow and therefore saves your company a lot of money.

Allowance time study

The personal allowance time is usually used to determine the allowance time surcharges. These are needed to determine the target times. They are added to the basic times determined in the time recordings.


Results for a wide range of applications can be derived from a time recording. The determined target times are used, among other things, for the calculation of processes, for payment by results, for process analysis, for internal and external benchmarking or for the determination of weak points and rationalization potentials.

Our employees are trained and have been working successfully with tested methods for many years. This provides them with practice-oriented methods and instruments for process-oriented work organisation which can be used to optimally analyse and design processes across all industries.

We, as management consultants from Bielefeld ⁄ OWL, offer a variety of tried and tested methods from industrial engineering.

Did we catch your interest, or would you like to discuss one of the topics with us? We’d love to hear from you! Contact us here.